Printed Tees are so in these days, starting from the street vendors to the high-end brands; we can easily encounter them everywhere. Mango People is here with a wide range of quirky and cute printed graphic T-shirts for girls. This super cute T-shirt is one of them, you can easily dress it up or down as per your comfort. Here we have styled it in two different ways; you can recreate your own look. For the first look we have paired it with a pair of extremely distressed boyfriend jeans, light and dark both the tones of blue will go with it. Put on a pair of strappy or tie-up heels and an oversize hand bag to take the look a notch higher. This look is perfect for those dressy days and casual night
We kept it more causal and laid back for the second look; carry the T-shirt with a pair of distressed shorts, put on those white sneakers and a cute backpack to complete the look. Walk in your college or a coffee shop or a shopping complex with this look. It’s the peak of summer season slip in something comfortable to beat the heat and this is the perfect look to be in. Seriously can’t stop gushing at this super cute T-shirt.
Grab your Donald Duck T-shirt here!

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